March 31, 2015


The convent complex of Sant Francesc was built in the eighteenth century by Franciscan priests. The convent, which includes the renovated Church, was built between 1721 and 1729. The complex was used as a convent until 1835. In 2000 the convent, by then in ruins, was demolished by the state. Only the church and part of the perimeter wall of the convent remained standing, although in very poor condition.

The renovation of the building has been developed with the goal of differentiating the new elements constructed (using contemporary construction systems and languages) from the original elements of this historical church. With the aim of preserving all aspects of the building’s past, the intervention has not hidden traces, wounds or scars. Thus, they have remained visible depressions, holes where the altarpieces once were, traces of missing elements.

Architects: David Closes
Location: Santpedor, Spain
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Jordi Surroca

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